Mindfulness Meditation 8-weeks Course: Thursday 6 Mar - 24 Apr 2025

You can participate this course both in the studio and online, as it will also be livestreamed from the studio. If you have to miss a session in the studio e.g. because of traveling or sickness, you can also join online!

This full 8-weeks Mindfulness Meditation Course is for those of you who have done the Mindfulness Meditation Introductory Workshop or have joined one of Corine's retreats, and would like to develop their own personal meditation practice and integrate meditation and mindfulness into their daily lives. You will really learn how to meditate at home and everywhere!

On eight Thursday evenings we will deepen, dive into, and fine-tune the technique, develop your meditation practice, and sit and practice with the group. You will be asked to meditate daily and keep a Meditation Diary for 8 weeks. In the group sessions there will be room to ask questions based on your home practice, so your practice can be optimized where needed. Along with sitting, we will also practice Walking Meditation, and include special mindfulness exercises like a Bodyscan meditation, and how to implement mindfulness in your daily life, including a module Mindful Communication. In these sessions we furthermore include simple Restorative Yoga poses and quieting Pranayama's (Breathing Exercises), that relax the body and quiet down the mind, to prepare and facilitate your meditation practice, and relieve stress in general. All participants of this full 8-weeks course will receive a manual with theory & instructions.

Read "What participants say about the Mindfulness Meditation Course" at the bottom of this page, and sign up for these Mindful Thursdays, to start to live from a more peaceful place!

Dates: Thu 6, 13, 20, 27 Mar & 3, 10, 17, 24 Apr 2025
Time: 20-21.45hr
Costs: € 445 for all 8 sessions, including course materials and manual
Location: YogaYatra Studio, Amsterdam-De Pijp

For those of you who have joined the 8-weeks course before and would like to join again, we offer a special price of € 395 for all 8 sessions.

Note if costs are (partly) paid by your company / can be declared we add 30 % to the price. You will then also receive an invoice.

This course is for everyone and you do not need to be a yoga practioner, the only prerequisite is that you have done the Mindfulness Meditation Introductory Workshop or have joined one of Corine's retreats, and as such are familiar with the background & basics of the technique (note if you haven't got the basics up to date any longer, we advise you to first join our Mindfulness Meditation Introductory Workshop on Sat 1 Mar 2025 preliminary to this full 8-weeks course, to refresh!). It will also be an excellent course for pregnant ladies, people who suffer or recover from chronic pains or illnesses, and for those of you who suffer from stress, a burn-out or overstrainedness and need recovery. The health- and life coaching benefits of meditation are numerous!

"Through meditation you start to connect with and subsequently live from your Inner Stillness, and from there everything unfolds naturally." ~ Corine Leegwater, YogaYatra

Course Preparation

  • For the sessions dress in warm, comfortably sitting clothes (like sweatpants and sweatshirt/hoodie) with warm socks (for the walking meditation preferably with an "anti-slip" sole) and bring something warm like a light shawl/blanket, to keep you warm during meditation.
  • In the studio we have yoga mats, blocks & bolsters to sit on, but feel free to bring your own mat or your own meditation cushion if you have one (for the pregnant ladies it can be good to bring an extra cushion to support your sitting).
  • Bring a small bottle of water for refreshment, and a notebook & pen to make notes during the course and also to write down your homework. This notebook you can also use as your Meditation Diary, or assign a separate notebook for this.
  • Please follow our Studio Hygiene Protocol when you visit the studio.

Subscription & Payment

When you subscribe please let us know whether you would like to participate the course in the studio or online.

You can subscribe yourself for the course by filling in the booking form below (with respect to the data you supply to us, we refer to our Privacy Policy). Note you subscribe for all 8 sessions together, so make sure you can make the dates! You will receive a registration email with our bank details. To hold a spot for you in the course, the payment is due within 8 days of your subscription. Your subscription will be confirmed again, as soon as your payment has been received.

Note if costs are (partly) paid by your company / can be declared we add 30 % to the price. You will then also receive an invoice.

Cancellation policy: no refunds will be granted for cancellations, for failure to attend sessions or to complete the course, regardless of reason.

Sign up for the Mindfulness Meditation 8-weeks Course: Thursday 6 Mar - 24 Apr 2025

Please fill in the form below, 1 form per person. Fields marked with * are required.

Will you bring your own mat? *

What participants say about the Mindfulness Meditation Course

Myrthe, Programme Coordinator at the University of Amsterdam:
“For years, I have struggled with an anxiety disorder and panic attacks on airplanes. After fruitlessly trying many different therapies I decided to try mindfulness meditation at Corine's studio, and I have to say it is the best decision I ever could have made! This course has taught me so many different techniques on how to stay calm during anxiety attacks. Corine not only introduces you to the theory behind mindfulness meditation but also hands you practical tools to implement the techniques. I have learned to apply several types of meditation, as well as relaxing yoga- and breathing exercises to support the process of meditation.

Being able to meditate helps me to be more present, live in the 'now' instead of dwell on the past or worry about the future, and to accept and be aware of my thoughts and emotions. The objective observation of my mind has an incredibly calming effect, so much so that I recently experienced the most peaceful plane-trip I have had in years. Now, whenever I start to feel anxious, the mere thought of being able to get myself through it by meditating is immensely relaxing. I plan on using the thoughts, ideas and techniques I learned during this course for many years to come!

I would recommend this course to anyone with similar problems, but also to anyone who is looking for some more calmness, stability and perspective in life.”

Hans, Writer:
“Ik vond het een heel fijne cursus. Corine geeft les met veel warmte, humor en oprechte belangstelling voor iedereen, en het allerbelangrijkste: altijd helder en met veel kennis van zaken. Het is natuurlijk nog maar een eerste kennismaking met meditatie, maar de cursus heeft me wel op het punt gebracht waarop ik er zelfstandig verder mee kan. En ook na korte tijd is mijn kwaliteit van leven er al op veel terreinen op vooruitgegaan: makkelijker omgaan met negatieve emoties en stress, energieker, meer in balans, meer momenten van harmonie en geluk. Minder snel afgeleid en daardoor ook betere prestaties bij activiteiten die een goede concentratie vergen, zoals schrijven, pianospelen en tennis. Een echte life-changer!”

Lucy, Doctoral researcher:
“By incorporating Mindfulness Meditation into my everyday life, I notice the benefits everywhere. I concentrate better at work. I am calmer in stressful situations. I am more able to let go of thoughts and worries about the past and the future. Most of all I find that applying mindfulness techniques in everyday situations is such a practical way of (as Corine would say) dealing with the fluctuations of the mind, but also the fluctuations of life.”

Bart, Consultant:
“I started the mindfulness workshop and follow-up course because I was recovering from a burn-out and anticipated it would help in this process. And it did! Especially the peace of mind and relaxation that comes with it, proved to be a very big help with getting back on track and getting rid of all the unnecessary tension I'd build up over the years. I still practice it every morning, which makes me approach the challenges in the (working) day with a lot more confidence and ease.”

Marleen, Journalist:
“As a preggy who's trying to avoid 'typical pregnancy' courses I decided to sign up for Corine's Mindfulness Meditation. It seemed helpful during labour and also something I could use in both my private and professional life (I am a journalist and always racing against deadlines). And right from the start it felt right. Corine is very relaxed, down to earth, humorous and patient and whatever question you have, she always takes her time to give a satisfying answer. I enjoyed those hours of pure 'me-time'. And although I sometimes struggled to meditate every day and to stay awake until the end of my practice, I learned a lot. With some simple tools - I became a huge fan of 'labeling' - I can quiet my mind and cope with pain far better now. Skills I will hopefully be able to put into practice during labour in a few weeks!”

Ymkje, HR Manager:
“After having followed Corine's yoga-classes for a few months in which we worked on improving the body-mind connection, I was really excited to take a next step and participate in the Mindfulness Meditation Course. During yoga for me the main focus was on my body, answering the following questions 'how do I feel, where do my strengths lie, what are my weak spots, and where do I need to focus on' and in this way realizing your body's potential and becoming aware of how strong you are and what an amazing tool it is! Mindfulness Meditation for me did the same, answering the same questions, giving me the same realizations, but for my mind! I found strength, more peace of mind, eye-opening insights, an improved positive attitude and a connection with my real beliefs and feelings. I have learned that Mindfulness Meditation enriched my yoga practice and my yoga practice complements my meditation practice. Every time I meditate I am so happy and thankful for the lessons learned. When facing struggles in your life I believe Mindfulness Meditation is a great way of feeling stronger when facing them. When feeling at ease and happy, Mindfulness Meditation is a great way of deepening those feelings and helping you grow even more. Key in this course is Corine, she has a great way of explaining the theory behind it, helps you every step of the way, knows how to listen and is greatly supportive. A great opportunity and a wonderful journey to make!”

Anneke, Owner Day Care Centre:
"Ik had al eerder kennisgemaakt met meditatie en daardoor ook al een beetje ervaren welk effect dit op mij had. Mijn kinderen zijn groot en ik heb weinig last van stress, maar toch wilde ik graag de cursus doen. Door de mindfulness meditatie krijg ik meer ruimte voor emoties. Dit was ook een beetje wat ik wilde bereiken. Ik wilde een beetje van de automatische piloot afstappen en meer voelen. Al snel na de meditatie en zeker als je dit met meer mensen doet ervaarde ik een intensere belevenis van kleuren, geuren en geluiden. Naar de rust en stilte in mezelf gaan geeft een intensere beleving en een meer relaxte houding in mijn dagelijks leven. Ik ben me meer bewust van alles om me heen en hoop op deze manier wat opener mijn omgeving tegemoet te treden. Nu komt het aan op discipline! Mezelf gunnen om een momentje te mediteren. De cursus geeft je het zetje in de goede richting!"