
Regular Yoga (Hatha & Vinyasa)

Classes are 1.5hr
Single Class: € 21
10 Class Card: € 175 (3 months valid)
20 Class Card: € 310 (3 months valid)
1 Month Unlimited Card: € 165 (€ 6,25 per day, unlimited # of classes)
Trial Class (New To Us): 2 classes € 30 (2 weeks valid)

Pregnancy Yoga (Pre- and Postnatal)

Classes are 1.5hr
Single/Trial Class: € 23
10 Class Card: € 195 (3 months valid)*

* You can use this card for all Prenatal and Postnatal classes (excluding the Birth Preparation Course).

Menopause Yoga (Yoga voor de Overgang)

Classes are 1.5hr
Single/Trial Class: € 23
10 Class Card: € 195 (3 months valid)

You can use your single classes and class cards for studio-, online livestream-, and outdoor classes. No separate subscriptions needed! Ease of use, come when you can and as you can!

Payment for the single classes and class cards goes via bank transfer, preferably no cash transactions in the studio. Please fill in the form below to book your card online (with respect to the data you supply to us, we refer to our Privacy Policy). We will send you our bank details and will activate your card on its starting date. Note we must have received your payment 1 day before the starting date of your card.

No refunds will be made for failure to complete the class card, regardless of reason. Transfers to other courses, workshops, or retreats are also not permitted.

YogaYatra Gift Coupon

Give your family, friends, colleagues, business relations the empowering gift of Yoga! YogaYatra Gift Coupon: for whatever amount you like, to be spend on Classes, Workshops, Privates etc.! Contact us about your gift through our website or at class, and we will make a nice little present of it!

Book Your Card Online

Please fill in the form below, 1 form per person. Fields marked with * are required.

Type of Card *

10 Classes
20 Classes
1 Month Unlimited
10 Classes - Pregnancy Yoga